lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

"How Not To React When Your Child Tells You That He Is Gay"

College student Daniel Pierce's life changed when he came out last October and told his family he was gay. At first, they seemed to be supportive; nevertheless, nine months later, they kicked him out of their house.

Daniel knew that something was wrong on Tuesday, 26 August, when he came from work and his family was waiting for him. So when entering the house, he decided to film what was on the verge of happening.

"I recorded the video because I knew something was going to happen and I wanted to protect myself in case I was harmed in any way," he revealed in an interview to the BBC.

Despite the fact that you cannot see the faces of his relatives in the video, you can hear them clearly.

"You can deny it all you want to but I believe in the word of God, and God creates nobody in that way. It's a path that you have chosen.", says a woman.

After a tense conversation with his family, Daniel left his house and hasn't been there since. "If they would have just said 'Get your stuff and get out,' I would have said OK. I'm not the person who wants to get in a fight.", Mr Pierce said.

Daniel decided to post the five-minutes video on Youtube because he wanted to prevent this from happening to as many people as possible. "If one family saw it and then changed the way they approached their child and it saved one child from what I went through that night, it was worth it," he says.

The video has received more than 5 million views.

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